Life Skills; skills necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life.
Positive, reward based training
Servicing Newcastle & Lake Macquarie
trainer profile
Natasha Smith CPDT
Dog Behaviour, Training
& Complex Skills Specialist.
Pat Dogs Australia Trainer/Assessor.
Natasha has always had a great connection with dogs, with her fondest childhood memories being with the family dog by her side and the training of 'Ralph' their working red kelpie. This early engagement was the foundation for Natasha's passion. After years of assisting people with training their dogs, she decided to pursue a career as a trainer completing the National Dog Training Federation course to become a qualified trainer and behaviourist.

The Ndtf qualification allowed her to gain valuable experience and expand her knowledge into canine psychology.
After an amazing opportunity to assist with training the cast (a couple of working red Kelpie's Phoenix and Blue) for
the Red Dog prequel 'True Blue' she knew she was doing exactly what life intended for her and has never looked back.
Natasha's many years experience with behavior management, complex skills, environmental enrichment, puppy school and socialisation has allowed her to work with many different dogs from different backgrounds. Hundreds of hours teaching puppy school and obedience classes provided opportunity to watch dogs grow, develop and mature.
Seeing a broad perspective of the challenges our dogs and owners face in our current climate, Natasha is dedicated to educating our community on how we can best live with our canine companions. Using positive reinforcement training methods, and proven scientific approaches we can create better environments for all our dogs. With commitment to community education, Natasha works with others such as Lake Maqcuarie City Council to advise and deliver workshops on behaviour and welfare.
Dogs Life Skills was created to promote our dogs 'full participation in everyday life' because we believe they deserve it. This motto is designed to be inclusive, dogs should not live a lesser life because of their shortcomings. Providing training for our dogs is the beginning, in the near future we'll provide dedicated spaces for all dogs to be dogs.
Natasha's experience means you can be confident in seeking assistance to bring out the very best in every individual dog and handler.
Qualifications & Education
NDTF: Cert III Canine psychology, behavior & training
Cert IV Companion animal management
VU22887 Train dogs for Assistance roles
Petstock Puppy Academy: Train the Trainer
Pat Dogs Australia Trainerssessor
Mind Dog Approved Trainer
International Dog Trainers winter summit 2020